Affiliate Registration

Congratulations on being selected to be an Affiliate. Here's to a great partnership moving forward. 

In order to set you up as an affiliate and create your account on the app we use to manage affiliate payments (Affiliately), please complete the details below.

By completing the registration form, you agree to abide by the affiliate partnership code of conduct below: 1. Only share ethically and socially appropriate content and respect diversity and inclusion principles such as respecting people from various racial and social backgrounds and beliefs. 2. As a partner of QUEST Study Skills, uphold a professional image in social media posts. 3. Inform QUEST Study Skills if you wish to share your promo codes outside of channels listed on your form. 4. Inform QUEST Study Skills within 1 month, if you wish to no longer participate as an affiliate partner. 5. Refrain from entering into a similar partnership in direct competition with QUEST Study Skills, specifically and limited to journals and publications focused on study strategies and skills.